

As of November 1st 2024, the former operations of BTC Otomasyon have been incorporated into the HAWE group of companies. From our operations located in Tuzla, Istanbul, we supply components and systems to a wide range of applications within Türkiye. Together with our partner and distributor network, we offer comprehensive service and dedicated support to any of our valued customers. Our range of services includes the supply of HAWE components as well as inhouse designed, produced and tested hydraulic manifolds and power units tailored to the requirements of our customers. 

We complement our portfolio by distributing key technology brands in the areas of hydraulics, motion technology and process automation. HAWE HİDROLİK VE OTOMASYON SİSTEMLERİ A.Ş. strives to provide best-in-class service and consultation to find the right solution for any given application. We are looking forward to getting in contact with you.