
Why should I switch from a PWM (pulse width modulation) controlled valve to a valve with onboard electronic and CAN bus?

Because this is the only way to benefit from the advantages of modern bus communication in the vehicle. These are not only the simple connection to the main controller or the possibility of simple diagnostics during operation, but also very pragmatic advantages. You will receive a valve battery from HAWE with the start and end position of the spool already set and the CAN bus connection completely prepared. With only one plug you just connect the valve battery and off you go. This saves time and money. And does not cost that much more.

-> Simplify the commissioning of the valve battery!

Why is the CAN Lite version now available as an actuator for the PSL? For whom is it intended?

In contrast to the fully equipped CAN bus head as an actuator, which has been successful on the market for 10 years, the CAN Lite is intended for machine manufacturers who want to use many advantages of CAN bus communication, but not all of them. Of course, this also reduces procurement costs. As an entry-level model, it is very well suited for many mobile machines, such as cranes, hoists, construction machines, but also forestry and agricultural machines, where good precision is already sufficient in operation.

-> Let us give you a price comparison!!

How do I know if a PSL CAN or PSL CAN Lite is more useful for my machine?

With the software tool "CANmelion" a PSL CAN can be used as a PSL CAN Lite. So you can order the PSL CAN and test if a CAN Lite is sufficient for the respective function. Thereby you can assemble the perfect valve block for the series production. Because a combination of CAN and CAN Lite actuation in one valve battery is possible.

-> Just do a test!

What else do I need to control the functions in my machine with the PSL CAN Lite?

A mobile controller with CAN interface, such as an ESX 3CM, serves as the main controller in mobile machines. The free HAWE PSXCAN Service Tool is a development software that allows you to change or monitor the parameters of the valve sections yourself.

-> Download the Service Tool free of charge at hawe.com/edocs!

Ask your questions to Henry quite easy: henry (at) hawe.com