Effective July 2, 2023, the Federal Republic of Germany implemented the European Whistleblower Directive into German law through the Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz (German) (Whistleblower Protection Act).
This will provide employees with a regulatory framework that will enable them to better report violations of the law or corresponding suspicions in the company in the future. To protect the whistleblower, the company must set up a qualified internal reporting office that treats the identity of the whistleblower confidentially. The company is strictly forbidden to take reprisals against the whistleblower for making a conscientious report. The whistleblower will receive feedback on the fate of his or her report.
At HAWE, the same reporting possibility and the same protection are also given to persons not employed by the company who are in contact with the company in the course of their professional activities (e.g. the employees of customers and suppliers of the company).
There is no obligation to report, it is purely voluntary. However, HAWE expressly welcomes relevant reports in order to be able to quickly identify and remedy or prevent any violations. The internal reporting office of HAWE Group (Germany) is located in the legal department of HAWE Hydraulik SE (Aschheim) and offers the following reporting channels.
Internal reporting office HAWE Group (Germany)
Phone Hotline: +49 89 379100-1735
E-Mail adress: compliance (at) hawe.de
On request: personal conversation