New actuation for PSL facilitates entry into CAN bus communication


The proportional directional spool valve type PSL with the actuation CAN lite is the ideal and cost-efficient entry into CAN bus communication in many mobile machines. You can benefit from the advantages of this proven and robust bus technology and connect the valve banks, sensors and actuators in your machine very easily. 

You can find more information about the ideal introduction to the automation of mobile machinery in our whitepaper.

You benefit from these advantages:


Simple wiring

You connect the valve battery with only one plug to the CAN bus of your machine. By eliminating the individual cables per valve section, you shorten the time required for commissioning, reduce the possibility of errors and the overall weight of the controller. This not only saves time but also money.


Preset parameters on delivery

We set the start and end position of the respective valve spool and the CAN bus settings in the onboard electronics according to your specifications before delivery. Further parameters can be adjusted and also monitored using the free HAWE PSXCAN tool. With this link you will also find firmware updates and guided repair instructions.


Advantages in operation

A limitation of the volume flow and the fine control range of the valve can be done electronically. The hysteresis during operation, typical for directional spool valves, is very low with the PSL-CAN Lite. The onboard electronics also offer Electronic Flow Sharing, which allows the execution of functions in case of a pump undersupply or prioritization in case of several functions.


All actuation options can be combined in one control block

The CAN Lite actuation can be combined with the fully equipped CAN actuation version with spool position feedback from HAWE in one valve bank. Depending on your requirements for precision and repeatability of the valve control you can decide which type of actuation is best suited for every single function. True to the motto, only as much as necessary. More about the new actuation in our PSL CAN lite flyer.


FAQ with Henry

Here you can find Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the PSL CAN Lite.


Training on CAN bus communication - practical and customized

HAWE offers a seminar on the special requirements of a CAN bus system or the CAN bus actuation on the proportional directional spool valve type PSL. Please ask the responsible sales office in your region for a special training.

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