

HAWE Hydraulik supports the initiative "Skilled workers for Africa"


HAWE trainees build training models and train future African specialists in hydraulics on site in Botswana. The end of the project was the trip of some trainees to Botswana and the meeting with the local people.

If you are 18 years old, are just doing an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk or industrial mechanic and can then manage such an exciting project in a team from the idea to the implementation, then this is something very special. This is the uniform feedback of the HAWE 1st and 2nd year apprentices who have built 5 training models for the practical basic training in hydraulics. They were responsible for project management, implementation and, last but not least, commissioning on site. 6 HAWE trainees travelled to Botswana together with two HAWE trainers to set up and commission the training model supplied in advance. Finally, the prospective African skilled workers were trained on site using the training models themselves.

With this project, HAWE Hydraulik participated in the educational initiative "Skilled workers for Africa" of the VDMA (Association of German Machinery and Plant Manufacturers) to train specialists on site. With qualified local personnel and German technologies, the industrial added value in African countries is to be increased.

The HAWE press release reported on the start of the project in November 2017.

Read the VDMA press release here