Supervisory board
Dr. Alexa Haeusgen

Dr. Alexa Haeusgen has been a member of the Supervisory Board of HAWE Hydraulik SE since 2012.
In addition to her work on the Supervisory Board, she is a self-employed HR consultant.
Dr. Alexa Haeusgen studied economics at the University of St. Gallen, where she received her doctorate in international business administration with the topic "Market opportunities for medium-sized German mechanical engineering companies in the PR China".
After her studies she worked as a marketing assistant in Hong Kong for a consumer goods manufacturer and then joined a management consultancy specializing in China and Asia. Afterwards she worked as a consultant for various international HR consultancies in executive search. Ms. Haeusgen is committed to the integration of migrants.
Karl Haeusgen

Karl Haeusgen has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board of HAWE Hydraulik SE since 2019. Prior to this, he was a member of the management board and speaker of the board of directors of HAWE Hydraulik SE, Munich, from 1996 to 2019. He was responsible for Sales & Marketing, Corporate Development & Strategy, Corporate Communications as well as HR, Organization and QM.
He studied business administration at the University of St. Gallen. Karl Haeusgen has worked as Controller for Sales at Barmag Far East Ltd, a subsidiary of the German textile machinery manufacturer Barmag, and as Assistant to the Board of Management at MAHO AG in the area of Materials Management.
Karl Haeusgen is the main shareholder of the family-owned company HAWE Hydraulik SE and President of the VDMA. He is member of the supervisory board of Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH, Bayerische Beteiligungsgesellschaft, Läpple AG, Groz-Beckert KG and Leonhard Moll AG. In addition, he is a volunteer member of the board of directors of the "Lyrik Kabinett München" foundation and since 2012 a member of the supervisory board of the "Kinderschutz München e.V.".
Jurate Keblyte

Jurate Keblyte has been a member of the Supervisory Board of HAWE Hydraulik SE since 2019. Also since 2019, Ms. Keblyte has been a member of the Board of Management of Grammer AG with responsibility for: Finance, Controlling, Risk Management (CFO).
After studying economics at the Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania) with a Master of Science in Management and at the Université d'Angers (France) with a Professional Master (DESS) in Project and Process Management, she worked as Head of Controlling at Giesecke & Devrient GmbH and as Group CFO at KUKA Robotics.
With her diverse experience in the field of Finance & Controlling, Ms. Keblyte brings a wide range of perspectives to the Supervisory Board, from start-ups to mid-sized companies and groups.
She is a sponsor of the Digital Transformation expert group in the International Controller Association (ICV); she is also a volunteer on the board of the "Dienvidis" aid organization for children from at-risk families in Klaipeda (Lithuania).
Dr. Ansgar Kriwet

Ansgar Kriwet has been a member of the Supervisory Board of HAWE Hydraulik SE since 2019. He has been a member of the Management Board of Festo AG since 2013. There he is responsible for R&D.
After studying mechanical engineering at the RWTH Aachen University with a focus on automation technology, plastics technology and fiber-reinforced polymers, hydraulics and pneumatics, control engineering and system theory and completing his doctorate in the economic evaluation of designs, he initially joined Festo as Market Segment Manager Factory Automation.
During his time at Festo, his responsibilities included Product Management Innovation, the Product Segment Control, the Product Center Manager Valves, and he also headed the subsidiary Beck GmbH as Managing Director.
He was also a research assistant at the Institute for Machine Tools and Production Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin, Assembly Technology Department. He also worked at the Institute for Management and Technology IMT Berlin GmbH. He is a member of the board of the Fluid Power Association of the VDMA.
Prof. Birgit Vogel-Heuser

Prof. Birgit Vogel- Heuser has been a member of the Supervisory Board of HAWE Hydraulik SE since 2018. She studied electrical engineering and received her doctorate in 1987 in mechanical engineering at the RWTH Aachen University at the interface of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and software. Afterwards she worked for Siempelkamp Maschinen und Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. There she was responsible for the automation technology KG and subsequently managing director of the subsidiary of ATR Industrie-Elektronik GmbH.
During her career as a professor or head of department she worked in the field of automation technology and embedded systems at the University Hagen, the University of Wuppertal and the University of Kassel until she finally moved to the TU Munich. Since then she has been head of the Chair of Automation and Information Systems and was spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center 768: "Cycle Management of Innovation Processes".
She is a member of the Supervisory Boards of Grammer AG and the SMS group. In addition, Prof. Birgit Vogel-Heuser was editor-in-chief of the trade journal atp - Automatisierungstechnik Praxis from 2002 to 2009. She is a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech).