What distinguishes the Barbing location?
We are always looking for qualified personnel in the areas of production, R&D, logistics or administration, from working students to interns, bachelor's and master's students and specialists. Achieve great things with us and start your career at HAWE Micro Fluid GmbH.
The location in key figures
What do employees think about HAWE Micro Fluid?
Benefits for employees at HAWE Micro Fluid:
Benefits under the collective agreement
- Remuneration in accordance with the M+E collective agreement
- Vacation and Christmas bonus and other tariff payments
- 30 days vacation
- Training and special leave
Mobile working / flexible working hours
- Mobile working and flexible working hours possible in many areas
- Electronic time recording
- Flexitime accounts
- Working part-time or full-time
Social benefits
- HAWE pension and accident insurance
- HAWE Academy
- Profit sharing, shift allowances above the standard pay scale and employee benefits
- Canteen allowance
- Financial support if a child is ill
Medium-sized family business
- Flat hierarchies
- Familiar working atmosphere
- Compatibility of career and family
- Long periods of employment
- High training rate
Works council
- Regular works meetings
- Group works council at European level
- Joint works council (across locations)
- Women's representative, representative for severely disabled employees, youth trainee representative
Health services
- Company doctors
- Health day
- JobBike
Modern working environment
- Modern and bright production and office space design
- State-of-the-art IT hardware and software
- Free water
- Good public transport connections and ample parking
Environment & sustainability
- Green electricity from 100% hydropower
- Vehicle fleet (e-cars) and e-charging stations
- Zero waste initiative
- Bavarian climate protection network “dekarbN”
- Bee colonies & sheep sponsorships