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Las Vegas, NV, United States
전시 출품업체: HAWE North America
주요 주제:
Mining equipment
Shanghai, China
전시 출품업체: HAWE Hydraulik Systems (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.
스탠드: 3H-C150
Products for the automation, automotive and industrial supplies, Press brakes
Beijing, China
전시 출품업체: HAWE Oil-Hydraulic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
스탠드: E3-A08
Wind Power
Chennai, India
전시 출품업체: HAWE Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd. (India)
스탠드: A119
Wind energy
Hannover, Germany
전시 출품업체: HAWE Hydraulik SE
스탠드: 12-F125
Metal working, e-mobility, sustainable production
Bad Salzuflen, Germany
스탠드: E34 – Hall 20
Fluid power