Press Releases


Powerful two-stage drive for hydraulic rescue tools - it couldn't be smaller - DMPE


Double pump element type DMPE with one piston each for high and low pressure for use in hydraulic tools

Hydraulic handheld tools, such as crimping pliers, rescue cutters and punching tools should be as small as possible so that they are easy to handle at the place of use. At the same time they develop enormous forces during operation.  Hydraulics with their high power density and the new type of extremely compact two-stage drive from HAWE Hydraulik are ideally suited for this purpose.

The tool moves in the operator's hand at the highest possible speed (rapid feed) towards the connector or the sheet metal. This determines the cycle time. During the working stroke, cutting or joining, the applicable force is important. Switching between the two speeds is automatic. HAWE Hydraulik has developed a new type of double pump element, the DMPE, to combine both in one drive element. It consists of a low-pressure and a high-pressure piston in one pump element.

Both pistons are used for rapid feed. When the low pressure limit is reached, an integrated valve switches the low pressure piston pressureless. The high pressure piston with pressures up to 700 bar is then used and generates the force required for the working stroke. Arranged on an eccentric, the size of only approx. 34x31x36 mm (LxHxW) opens up many application possibilities, even beyond hydraulic rescue tools.