Communiqués de presse


Protection masks donated to Munich hospitals and children's facilities


HAWE Hydraulik SE buys 150,000 Oral and Nasal Protection Masks (MNS) via its well-known supplier network and donates them to hospitals, nursing homes and children's facilities in Bavaria. Here these masks are urgently needed for visitors, caretakers and service providers. With this campaign HAWE is very happy to follow the call of the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger together with the bayme VBM to Bavarian companies to support them quickly and unbureaucratically.

Munich's secondary schools, special-need schools and children's centres also received this required protection for their daily needs in a distribution campaign with a lot of personal commitment. The Stadtteilarbeit e.V. was thus able to make the donated masks available to its users in the day-care centers, in school social work, in open child and youth work, in work with women, families and children and in the Competence Center for Barrier-Free Living at Home.

No way was too far: HAWE also succeeded in obtaining 5000 FFP2 masks for clinical needs through a long-standing customer relationship with a well-known manufacturer in China. The company passed these completely and free of charge on to clinics in Bavaria immediately after receipt.

With these campaigns HAWE contributed to #flattenthecurve and the return to normal life.